
Answered non-prayer

This week started out badly. The girls and I were grumpy and we were tired of Prague and not having any friends to play with. David was at a conference all week so we were more or less on our own. But, I figured we were half way through our time here so we'd make it somehow.

But on Tuesday David called with the news that he met an American family with a 6 1/2 year old girl at the conference and would we like to go out to dinner with them? Of course we would! The girls hit it off grandly and we decided to go to the zoo together on Wednesday.

Wednesday was great. The Zoo is fabulous and we really, really enjoyed the company. Our new friends are absolutely lovely. The girls hardly bickered at all because they had "new blood" to entertain them. I really enjoyed talking with another grown up! And the girls got to ride on ponies, which was the icing on the cake.

So, even though we hadn't prayed for this, God gave us just what we needed when we needed it. Pretty cool.

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