
Ice falling from the sky...

One thing that will make leaving Madison easier - the frozen water that fell from the sky today. Make that three things - sleet, hail, and big puffy white flakes of snow. All fell on me today. April 28. I'm outta here.....


We're on our way (almost)

This is our last week in Madison. We took most of our worldly goods back to Cincinnati this weekend (the worldly goods that weren't already in our basement in Cincinnati, that is). It was nice to visit - our house has been well tended (thank you Crosses!) and it was wonderful to see friends again, if briefly. We felt like minor celebrities at church on Sunday. The girls stayed in Madison with Wonderful Cousin Martha- a good thing because I don't think we could have dragged them to Prague if they had experienced Rock Star Status back home.

So, one week from today we'll be on a plane to Prague via Zurich!!! AAGGH!